Friday, February 19, 2010


Second day :)
Palce-->1)Leather Shop.
2)Aboringiness shop.
3)Chinese style temple.
woke up around 8am,prepared ourselves,
but we were late as 4 of us slept over the time
(daddy,mummy,babe and i)
had our breakfast at the near by stalls.
afterward,went to the destination.
( "tuk tuk" car )
the lunch time. after lunch we went to massage at the Sakura Hotel!
14 person ride one TUK TUK Car.
really sempit!!keekee...but funny!7pm --> diNNEr Time at WaShinGt0n Restaurant
my dear cousins :)after dinner, we saw an elephant.
then, walked around as tommorrow going back home!
shopping time!

Third Day
(last day)
woke up early as we going to have our breakfast at Pasar.
after that, while waited the bus reach
all of us chatting and take pictures as memories
(Sweet Sisters)(Daddy and mummy!!)

WHile inside the Bus....

Take Pictures with motorbike and tuk tuk car

we were Slept...zzZzzzz

reached My uncle's Hse around 10pm

total=12 hours as got jam!! :(

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