Saturday, February 20, 2010

CNY With Dears!

after came back from Hatyai
the next day(Friday)
went out with my dears
(Yvonne, Chien, Jessie and Jillian)
Before that, they had been went out with Sofia and Vivian
but, unfortunately i can't joined as i'm still in Hatyai.
Dear Sofia and Vivian's Pictures!!

dear jess fetch by using Jill's car.
went to Pavilion as we want to watch movie.
but there were a lot of PPL,
thus, we tried to buy our tickets at the reservation counter.
maybe i was Lucky,
we straight away bought from the counter!!
felt so Happy.
the movie is
"Alls Wells End Wells Too 2010"
and it start at 2:15pm
camwhole while waiting the Show time.

and it's the time that the movie start show.
ummm...i think i only got a word to described
the whole movie-->
the movie was really stupid,
the ending was very "Qin CAi"
the Story Background was not clear

and even it's message!!
we kept on asked why we watched this kind of movie!!
but, it's really funny as so stupid!@.@"
around 5pm dear Jess fetched me back home
Thank you all my dears for bring me to choose my present!muakxx

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