Thursday, February 18, 2010

hatyai trip!!

Just back from Hatyai!
During CNY, went to Hatyai with my big family!!
we went there by Bas Persiaran
which was rent
there were 6 small families. :)
went there for 3 days 2 nights

stArt 0n the joUrnEy
at midnight)

start our journey 12am
as the bus was broke down.
and the bus change to 44 saets

but in fact we only booked for 30 seats.
changed our bus at a petrol station.
(forgot the name of lacation)

inside the bus, most of us were slept.
Reached the Customs(Malaysia) around 7:30am.Stamped the date then continuous.
15 minutes more we reached the Customs(Hatyai). Cheacked the Passport and stamped it too.

THe FiRst Day!

when we reached Hatyai,
we straight away went to the Thai Style Temple.
the name i dunno as the word was in Thai. :)

Afterward we went to have our lunch before we went to the hotel.
SAw a Cute motorbike!

this was The Regency Hotel

after we check-in,
we found out that the rooms were not clean-up.
Thus, we put our luggage inside one of the 8 roomwhich was already clean-up
Then, we walked around the street.


after an hour,
we went back to our own room,
take rest and bath.
after prepared, we went to HAnsa CAfe Super Club
to take our dinner and watched "AH GUA" show
(while waiting the VAn).

after the SHow we back to our Hotel and some of us walked around the street.

buy some clothes and pants as cheaper than KL

end of the FiRst DaY! (to be continue)

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