Tuesday, May 19, 2009

hang out.

Today went out with my dear Jess,dear yvonne,dar vivian and baby jill.
It was a quite long period that I never go out with baby jill and dear jess.
Felt happy due to can went out with them again. :)
Since that dar Chien was not around in KL,so she cant went out with us.
Woke up at around 10am.
Watched television for awhile as dear jess will fetch me at 1pm sth.
Prepared myself and today was no make-up.
around 1pm dear jess reached my house and dear Yvonne and dar vivian too.
Dear Yvonne had her lunch at my house downstairs
and we chit-chat there for awhile.
After lunch we depart to Sg.wang
and we almost get an accident
while dear jess wanna went out to the High-way from my house area.
It was a trunk!!!! Luckily,that was nothing happened.
Parked the car at Starhill and walked to the Pavilion
coz we thought the car park fee will be more cheaper than Pavilion
but actually was not. =.="
Went to Padini Concept Store as today still was members' day.
Looked around the shop to see whether have any clothes and shoes to buy.
Since I decided to buy the shoes on Sat or Sun,
so i would like to buy some tops.
but at the end we all get nothing.
Tried some dress at Forever 21 and mat baby jill there.Then went to yum cha at Wong Kok restaurant.
keep on gossip non-stop at there.laugh till non-stop.kekekake.
Actually we thought we want go to Sg.Wang but due to our laziness,
we changed our mind and went to Maluri Jusco.
something weird really happened today.
when dar vivian talked about our primary school friend's name,
then that friend suddenly appear in front of us.
all of us really get shocked at that moment.
and we keep laughing non-stop.keekeeekeeee!!
drove to jusco maluri.
while we on de way walking to vincci,
vivian talked about another of our primary school friend.
who knows,that friend really appear in front of us again.
all of us get shocked again.Yee yer!!
所谓"早上别说人,晚上别说鬼" it was real one.keekeeekeee.
my dear yvonne bought a pair of shorts at padini
and bought a pair of skinny jeans at F.O.S.
I bought a singlet there too.
Dear dropped me at Lrt Station and reached home at 6:40pm.
had dinner with family later.
Had a lot of fun and laugh today.
Thank for dear Jess for fetch me out.Hang out next time again o.. muakxx :)

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