Wednesday, April 15, 2009

happy be-earlier birthday!!

Today woke up at 7am.
Because both of my dear--vivian yvone and i
were planned to go Pasar to buy those steamboat foods.
dear Jessie cannot join us today.
sob sob miss you alot alot le.perhape that next time out together ya!!!
prepared myself and went out at 7:30 sth
as vivian woke up at 7:30am.
i went to her hse then oli we went to fetch Yvonne.
her Bro fetch us to go.After 15mins, Vivian reached yvonne.
OMG!!!i forgot to bring along some steamboat food that i bought last day!!!
luckly my mummy come later
.Then started our Pasar time.we do really feel happy and fun.
3 girls looked like very geng but actually not!!keekeee
my mummy reached afterward and mum help us to bought the prawn.
because we don't really know what considered fresh prawn.keekee..
Thank you my lovely mummy!!muakx
finished all that, then get in to the car and back Yvonne house.
Reached home then put down all the foods that we bought,
then went out for our breakfast.
finished our breakfast then back home to make the birthday card for Chien.
i think she'll love it.
Because it's really looks nice and
we put alot of time and ideas on it as we are not so creativity
Started our steamboat time at 6pm something,
this time the dishes we cooked are the best ever compare with last time.
and both of Yvonne sisters and her mum ate with us also.
hehehee keep gossiping non-stop there.
Finished at 10pm something, clear up the table.
then played poker card over the living room.
and we took the cake out to give a surprise and the present as well.ummm...
i don't know whether Chien will feel touching onot...but i think she'll appreciate it.
happy birthday my dar!!muakx

finished around 11 and daday fetch all of us bad home.reached home around 12.felt so exhausted as 7am - 12am.but i still felt that very happy ^.^

~dar when u are not around us
u must really take care of urself la.
i will said like that becoz that i noe u are the person that always make us worried.
when u do feel lonely,u can take out the card that we made for u and read it.
we will always on ur side.
love ya!!muakx~

1 comment:

chienchien said...

thanks yu all dars..
i wont forget it one..
and i will take care myself at there..
love u all all.muackss^^