Saturday, April 25, 2009


today was the 1st day of my examination!!
the 1st paper was OB--Organisation Behaviour.
the 10 objectives question were quite easy for me.
but the essays turn ...errmm...was quite tough.
especially for the chapter 9..sob sob.
hope that i wont fail in this subject.
pray for it!!haix
on the other hand, 2day was
my 15th m0ntHs AnniVeSaRry too!!
got a bit dissapointed that i having the exam on the same day.
but no idea...
heeheee...i think should be go out later..
perhaps that will be a happy celebration.

*happy that i had u as my beloved sweetheart.
U're the one that i cant find another one to replace.
and the volumes of the love will never be cut down!!*

after this celebration,i need to start to prepare my 2nd paper.
This paper was the paper that i worried the most
-->Introduction of Human Resource Manangement. sob sob..
but i will put more effort on it!!
Gambateh ya my all friends!!

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