Saturday, January 10, 2009

sat-->yaday working with my dear dear jess at TGV cinema in KLCC...
wake up at 9 pm since that i wan to Pandan Indah LRT
as the Christine who fetch us go KLCC...
we reached KLCC around 12:30 pm...
den we start our Briefing...
Christine teach us to use the palm for key the infomation...
the job was survey job...ask some question to the person who go inside the cinema...
the survey is about the LEVI'S 501 jeans...
we start our job at 1pm and finish at 9pm..RM 100 per day...
wah...really tired as
we nit ask many ppl walk here walk there...ask quetion no place to sit...
luckly Christine was a good person...kekeke...
when we tired then we go find some place to sit...
finally we do 94 pages..take some pic when freeshe fetch us to my babe working place then sit
my babe car and fetch dear dear go back her house..

1 comment:

chienchien said...

i'm not very understand what the job you did it..
happy always ya..