Monday, December 29, 2008

Ho Ho Ho !!!!!!! Merry Christmas!!
Long time didn’t update my blog as my comp connection lost…
until now haven fix coz no time…sigh
many things happen but cannat write all inside my blog a...
i brought my new shirts and pants already..i just haven buy short pants...
thank you my dear accompany me go shopping o!!muakzz..
my babe's mother was came to KL as School Holiday...
so this few day i also got goin out with his family...
before Christmas…
I went to my coursemate’s house -->Car’s house to make some cookies
becoz I want 2 give my babe as Christmas present o….kekeeee
so after we decided want to make cookies
then we want to go Midvalley to get some boxes or
something tat can put inside our cookies….

17th wednesday
was the day that we went to midvalley…
in the morning that was a replace subject-->Accounting at 8am-10am…
after the class….Car…Wen and I went to midvalley by
our tutor’s car as our tutor’ house near there….
reached there around 12.30pm
walked around…choose our present
having lunch at Sushi and tea time at Sweet Talk after bought our things
den we went back home by KTM
reached home around 4:45PM….
20th Saturday...
i went to Car’s house by LRT as her house located at Ampang…
she fetch me when I reached in front the Old town’s coffee shop…
we start our baking time around 11:45 pm…
her brother was the “Sifu”…
he taught us to make the cookies…
firstly, we prepared all the ingredients
such as baking powder, flour, margarine, brown sugar,
egg, coco powder, chocolate chips and almond…
but I forgot how many gram that we used to make around 80pcs…heehee…
after that we
mixed up the margarine…baking powder and brown sugar….
blend it until all become soft and the brown sugar melt...

then only put in the egg then bled again…

until her bro said enough soft then we only stop...

after that we put inside the flour, coco powder and almond…

next we make the shape and
put the chocolate chips on the top of the cookies…

finally baked in oven…
but dunno how long becoz her bro was the time keeper…

my cookies!!!!finally finish!!!kekee

there was around 2pm at that time…Car and I went out to buy some wrapped paperand finished at 3pm sth…reached home around 4pm…

24th Christmas’ Eve….

my babe nit to work so I stayed at home…take out my notes for do some revision…

as my 2nd semester exam will be held on 14th Jan 2009..

so just left around 2 weeks only…tonight he will received my present…dunno he will like it anot...actually tis is the 1st time that make cookies for my boyfriend…none of my ex received homemade cookies...
so hope my babe like it lo…inside the box there was 25 pcs of cookies...which represent 25th was the date that we together and also Christmas that we 1st time celebrate quite meaningful

at night we went out to celebrate our 1st Christmas’ Eve…and we celebrate our 11 months anniversary too as tomorrow is 25th…we went to Tsim Tung in Pandan Indah

inside the car...
I shown him the present…but I didn’t let him noe wat inside..

I quite surprised that he take out present for me because before Christmas he already give me a shirt and said that was Christmas present…

muaksss…thank you babe o!!

reached there we order our food and then we open our present and take some pictutes...heheeee...he bought me 2 bottles of

and with 1 box Ferrero Rocher...Tropicana Orange drinks...

althought this 2 things not so special for other people
but for me this was my favouritre drink and chocolates!!!
and my babe said that tis was the 1st time wrapped present for me...
not expensive gift but the
~heart~is cannot be omitted!!
thank you my sweetie o!!!
after we ate then we went bac home o!!!

*Today really was a super….super…super happy day!!!
this was the 1st time that we celebrated our memorable day!!!
Thank you for accompany me and gave me happiness!!!
Really happy that I was your sweetie
I love u!!hope u will like my present!!

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