Tuesday, June 16, 2009


long time didn't update my blog since after i took my result.
umm...my life was still normal,
but it was a bad new that i need to do my assignment.
There were 6 subject in this sem.
All subjects needed to do assignment,included the Business Accounting.
Wonder why this one also need to do?!!sign..
last sat and sun help my babe prepared for the party at his tuition centre.
actually looks like easy to do but it was quite difficult.
Now i only realize that my sweetie was tired when he was working.
felt so pity for him.
but he told me that if not work hard at the age,
how can give me a better life in future?!
heehee...ya i totally agreed with babe.
yesterday went out with dear Yvonne and Dar Vivian
as we want to buy present to our dear jess.
her birthday was around the corner-->19-06-09.
mat with dear jess 1st as she was working in blue cube
while waiting my dear yvonne.
after that we went to have lunch with dear jess as she break.
then we straight away bought a bag from MNG and gave her.
she looks happy.heeheee...
hope u love it!!my dear dear..i think maybe will celebrate with u next time ya...
sorry for no supprise o!!

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